Письмо в Shimano про втулки

Материал из Велоклуб 3X9
Версия от 14:31, 23 сентября 2011; Maxcomp (обсуждение | вклад) (==)
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Уважаемая компания Шимано! Велосипедные компоненты вашего производства хорошо известны в России. Наш клуб любителей велосипеда "3х9" - один из крупнейших в России, и многие члены клуба используют комплектующие Шимано. Мы регулярно путешествуем на велосипедах по диким регионам с неразвитой инфраструктурой, где сервис недоступен, а купить запчасти невозможно (некоторые путешествия описаны на http://www.veloway.ru/biblio/poxods.asp). В такие экспедиции мы всегда берем с собой серьезный ремонтный набор, и своими силами устраняем неизбежно возникающие в дороге неисправности и неполадки. К сожалению, в последнее время мы столкнулись с серьезной проблемой - поломками втулок Шимано, возникающими из-за разрушения собачек. В частности, такая проблема характерна для втулок Shimano Deore XT FH-775, изготовленных в Малайзии. Есть подозрения, что вероятность таких поломок повышается при резких перепадах температур и/или после скоростных спусков, со скоростью до 50-70км/час, что часто бывает в путешествиях по горной местности. Можете ли Вы оказать нашему клубу техническую поддержку - подсказать, где приобрести запасные собачки для восстановления Ваших втулок? Официальный дистрибьютор в России не поставляет такие запчасти, а мы не хотели бы переходить на втулки других производителей, так как иных претензий к втулкам Шимано у нас нет. Запасные собачки необходимы нам в длительных экспедициях для самостоятельного ремонта втулок.

С уважением, подпись


(Отправлять письмо, видимо, лучше кому-то из москвичей - на случай, если вдруг действительно собачки пришлют?)

А вот что с этим текстом сделал автоматический переводчик. "Втулку" надо переводить как "Hub"? И еще интереснее, как правильно перевести "собачки" ?


Dear company Shimano! Bicycle components of your manufacture well-known in Russia. Our club of fans of a bicycle "3х9" - one of the largest in Russia, and many clubmen use completing Shimano. We regularly travel on bicycles on wild regions with an undeveloped infrastructure where service is inaccessible, and to buy spare parts it is impossible (some travel are described, in Russian, on http:// www.veloway.ru/biblio/poxods.asp). In such expeditions we always take with ourselves a serious repair set, and by own strength we eliminate malfunctions inevitably arising on the journey and malfunctions. Unfortunately, recently we have faced a serious problem - the breakages of hubs Shimano arising because of destruction of doggies. In particular, such problem is characteristic for hubs Shimano Deore XT FH-775 made in Malaysia. There are suspicions that the probability of such breakages raises at sharp differences of temperatures and-or after downhill racings, with a speed to 50-70 Km/h that often happens on travel on mountain district. Whether you can give to our club technical support - to prompt, where to get spare doggies for restoration of your hubs? Official distributor in Russia doesn't deliver such spare parts, and we wouldn't like to pass to hubs of other manufacturers as other claims to hubs Shimano at us aren't present. Spare doggies are necessary for us on long expeditions for independent (self-dependent?) repair of hubs.

Yours faithfully, the signature


Вариант от Чингачгука: Dear Shimano

Your components are well-known in Russia, and are used by many cycletourists around. Our cycling club bike enthusiasts, "3h9" - one of the largest in Russia, and many club members are using Shimano components too for it's of their reliability and maintainability.

We regularly travel on bicycles on wild regions with an undeveloped infrastructure where service is inaccessible, and it is impossible to buy spare parts (some travel are described in Russian, on http:// www.veloway.ru/biblio/poxods.asp or http://www.3x9.ru/wiki/%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B8_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%8B). In these expeditions, we always take with a serious repair kit and we ourselves eliminate inevitably arise in the way faults and failures.

Unfortunately, in recent years we have serious problems - Shimano freehubs failures that occur from destruction of the pawls. Particularry, such problem occurs for hubs Shimano Deore XT FH-775, made in Malaysia. There are suspicions that the probability of such breakages raises at sharp differences of temperatures or after a bumpy descent on a mountain road, with a speed 50-60 Km/h that often happens on travel in mountains.

Whether you can give to our club technical support - to prompt, where we can to get spare pawls for restoration of our hubs? Official distributor in Russia doesn't deliver such spare parts, and we wouldn't like to pass to hubs of other manufacturers as other claims to hubs Shimano at us aren't present. We need a spare pawls for a prolonged expeditions for self-repair а the freehubs.


Вариант от Маньяка:

Dear Shimano employees,

Shimano bike components are well-known in Russia for its quality and durability. Мany members of the “3x9” - the leading mountain cycling club in Moscow - use your components in their regular travels in the regions where few people live and where it is difficult to find a bicycle shop or repair shop and buy the new detail in case of some trouble in the bicycle. For the details of our travels you can visit http://www.veloway.ru/biblio/poxods.asp (sorry, the information is only in Russian).

Unfortunately, recently we have been facing the big problem with Shimano hubs – they stop working because of the hub’s pawls destruction. Particularly this occurs with Shimano Deore XT FH-775 which is being manufactured in Malaysia. From our experience it seems that the problem is likely to occur after a sharp temperature drop or after a rapid downhill at a speed of 50-70 km/h which is very typical for mountain trips.

In order to be ready to fix any trouble we carry a solid repair kit with us in our travels. But we can’t fix Shimano hubs in the case of described malfunction because we can’t buy spare pawls in Russia: your official distributor in Russia simply doesn’t supply them. We like Shimano hubs, the problem with the pawls is the only problem with them, and we wouldn’t like to substitute Shimano hubs on our bicycles with the hubs from another manufacturer.

Could you suggest us where can we buy the spare pawls?

Looking forward to your answer,

The members of the “3x9” mountain cycling club

Я бы вместо PAWL использовал бы RATCHET PAWL (деталь храпового механизма, препятствующая обратному вращению оси ротора).